Yes! Back is changing. Love it!! Feel so much stronger now. Early on I felt that this thing should happen overnight, and I’m so glad that it didn't, otherwise I would not appreciate all the time, work and dedication that goes into this process which I’m thoroughly enjoying (most of the time-lol)
2 APR 2017, 12:21
You know this relationship is so different from coaching relationships I’ve had before. I wasn’t sure how you would respond to me and I was honestly a bit surprised. In the past I would have received comments that were really hard and damaging to me that made me feel for a long time that I could never vary from my plan at all. I’m learning that there is a different way to this. Thank you!!
15 SEP 2017, 14:42
Hey Holly! So just had to stop in and say that, you have turned my most dreaded parts of my body to ones that I am beginning to really like! For the first time in my adult life, I put on a very form fitting dress without sausage casings/ spanks. I was totally in my feels, and loving my new curves! I could stand in front of the mirror with confidence! As my eyes begin to sweat, and all up in my feels again, Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
15 SEP 2017, 14:42
Thank you Holly...I am so thankful you are my scare me, because you're tough and gentle at the same time and have the most inspiring work effort I've ever witnessed and it makes me want to do better for myself.
2 APR 2017, 12:21
These are going better than expected. I was so nervous about going and doing "free weights" etc. It was intimidating to me, but I love it! I feel much more confident and I keep track of my weights that I use so that I can push myself to increase the next time, even if it's only by 5lbs, I try.
15 SEP 2017, 14:42
I keep waiting/thinking I might get bored, but I am not. Each week I feel a little deeper contraction, notice something I did not before, increase range of motion and I love that. It's the little things. I did do SHELC with my feet on gliders like you demo'd in the videos. Holy smokes, I loved that! Way harder than the ball!
15 SEP 2017, 14:42